Miarmy 2.2 Released and More

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Miarmy 2.2 Released and More

文章Coco » 15日 5月 2013年, 11:03

Dear friends,
Thank your for reading this message.

Miarmy 2.2 Released with around 30 new Features

In this new release 2.2, we fixed the major problem of PhysX and a lot of stunning and important
physical features are back. We also expand the "expression" and "scale" bone infrastructure. Also
provide many cool new features, all of these features are request from our clients.


Miarmy in asian blockbuster Mr Go

Dexter Digital (branch of Dexter Studios) used Miarmy created and simulated 150+ shots in Mr Go
film which is one of the most expensive movie in Korean film history.
Many of complex stadium crowd been created in Miarmy and rendered by our renderman
procedural primitive tool (open source).


Miarmy Biweekly Articles Begin!!

Miarmy Bi-weekly Articles (Miarmy BWA) are some project based tutorials and reference materials.
It's totally free for everyone and you can download it and its related videos, pictures and Maya
scene files.

The main purpose of BWA is for all Miarmy users learning and referencing
Also we want to use it to exchange our new ideas and some special usages of Miarmy.


Best regards,
文章: 1
註冊時間: 15日 5月 2013年, 10:28
外號: 我是Coco

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Dating for Sex.

文章shin40 » 25日 1月 2025年, 09:26

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註冊時間: 20日 9月 2017年, 21:07
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