由 Bigeye » 12日 3月 2002年, 10:54
Hello Jessica,
I suggest to use paint effect to do "Ji". Firstly, you create the Nurbs surface for paint effect, choose you right brush and start to paint "Ji" (maybe you need freehand, please try). After that, you could see the strokes as curve on the surface. You could select the stroke in outliner. Then you could find the "Primary Visibility" & "Max Clip" in Channel Box. You would keyframe al strokes so they're invisible at the beginning of the animation by setting their Primary Visibility to off. One frame later, they'll all become visible(P.V. on) and stand at the beginning of their paths (Max Clip 0). At the end of the animation, they'll reach the ends of their paths and appear fully developed (Max Clip 1). On the other hands, making non-liner animation is the adding suggestion. It is because "Ji" has different parts for each. And the frequency of animate you could make it slower or faster. So, I think that save the animation in Trax Editor would more natural.
I hope this method could help you.