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文章Dick Ma » 21日 2月 2003年, 13:24


我會覺得系睇下自己點樣去拿一個接job 的態度.


我會覺得15個avi 每個15秒. 除開每個avi 少於$1000(我無諗過market price 幾多..或者幾多先至會合理)

其實我會覺得你3-4 個袋一組..做30至40秒既...系會interesting 好多.


Dick Ma
文章: 347
註冊時間: 19日 4月 2002年, 23:46
來自: Hong Kong

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文章noomo » 21日 2月 2003年, 14:37

Dick Ma ,我系您都唔會接o個個job。第一,價錢和工作量的考慮實太底。第二,明顯地這個job唔會有好結果,如您所說,結果可能是無止境的改、改完又改。最後可能不歡而散。


兩年前從朋友當中知道這樣的一個故事。有個客要求用萬多元完成一條所全3DCG短片。短片是由一幢大樓中的一個家居單位開始,然後zoom out 到整幢大樓,再zoom out 到大樓所在的城市、國家、地球、最後到太陽系。還未完,之後要 zoom in 回去直到一卡地鐵車廂,全程要有 motion blur,要大概四至一個星期內完成。這個客找我朋友相討,結果我朋友當然拒絕。然後這個客另找別人造,竟然有人接。一個星期後,這個客到我朋友公司預備剪這條片(我朋友接了這片子的後期工作)。結果一playback ,全部所要的 zoom in / out,motion blur 效果變成了 fade in / fade out,所有原先要求的3D Building 竟是flipboard。最後個客當然激到生蝦咁跳,幫佢做這片的人收唔收到錢我就唔知。之後知道這個夠膽接這個job的人原來是業余的freelancer,並且是初玩3D,玩了數個月。聽到有成萬元,就唔理三七廿一接o左先算,完全無 production concept。

文章: 182
註冊時間: 24日 5月 2002年, 15:00

文章Maya初仔 » 21日 2月 2003年, 15:21

noomo 寫:兩年前從朋友當中知道這樣的一個故事。有個客要求用萬多元完成一條所全3DCG短片。短片是由一幢大樓中的一個家居單位開始,然後zoom out 到整幢大樓,再zoom out 到大樓所在的城市、國家、地球、最後到太陽系。還未完,之後要 zoom in 回去直到一卡地鐵車廂,全程要有 motion blur,要大概四至一個星期內完成。這個客找我朋友相討,結果我朋友當然拒絕。然後這個客另找別人造,竟然有人接。一個星期後,這個客到我朋友公司預備剪這條片(我朋友接了這片子的後期工作)。結果一playback ,全部所要的 zoom in / out,motion blur 效果變成了 fade in / fade out,所有原先要求的3D Building 竟是flipboard。最後個客當然激到生蝦咁跳,幫佢做這片的人收唔收到錢我就唔知。之後知道這個夠膽接這個job的人原來是業余的freelancer,並且是初玩3D,玩了數個月。聽到有成萬元,就唔理三七廿一接o左先算,完全無 production concept。


:o 算我多口,個客是否應於一二天後看layout, 四五天後再看中期effect.....ok後才收貨!不用到你朋友公司要預備剪片才知"賴"野.....:o 就算個客點忙!!一個星期內都有3,4分鍾可看啊.....個客自己都好有問題!!當然業余freelancer更加離譜..... :o :o :!:多口講句喳!!! :oops:
文章: 433
註冊時間: 3日 4月 2002年, 08:00
來自: HK


文章Siegfried » 21日 2月 2003年, 16:06

生死去來 樹頭傀儡
一線斷時 落落磊磊
文章: 960
註冊時間: 7日 4月 2002年, 08:00
來自: 星之大海

文章Dick Ma » 21日 2月 2003年, 19:06

其實個 client 首先叫我是但搵一個袋...做一個visualization 比佢睇.

請到CG Gallery...Visualization 1.

Client已經approved 左但系到最後談不成.
Dick Ma
文章: 347
註冊時間: 19日 4月 2002年, 23:46
來自: Hong Kong

文章HapZungLam » 21日 2月 2003年, 22:14

Dick Ma 寫:我既作品路線基本上其實比較偏門..起碼我唔系屬於大路的作品.例如我唔曉得去model一D機械人....mechanism...我唔會去貿貿然去做一個digital beauty...好多野都系"隨心所欲"
另外我數學唔好..唔曉寫 expressions. 我唔會識睇一D shader的tree diagram. 對一D數值的value 我系沒什麼概念(我所指既系數值與大小的關系...例如3這個數字代表大....或者小..).

I see your problem Dick, you really have a problem here Dick. Sigh, probably you are still new to this sociaty. I can see you are a very emotional person. You are a very "ARTISTIC" person. Humm, i mean artistic not only because you are doing things in art. But a true artist is never care about how people see them, they always think they'll do what they like. Won't obey, won't accept. I don't see anything wrong this this kind of person.

However, this kind of person is very though to live in nowadays sociaty. To believe and to the reality is never get together. You have to know, it is what you believe, but not the others believe. And if you are too serious taking, always getting to the point of arguing.

You said "我對電影特技冇太大興趣....(因為我既Favourite系劇情片)". This reminds me of a thing. I remember a famous actor say somethng like this during an interview. He said in gerneral all the actor wants to act character that they like, they "want" take charllenge. To act as this kind of character or that kind of character. He said that it is not going to happen until you become famous. Once you become famous, you can act any kind of character you want.

This is what I call, emotion vs reality. You have tobe aduptoble.

Dick Ma 寫:我唔會太care about 怎樣去將一樣野去做到photo-realistic.

Tobe an artist, not necessaly to make everything photo-realistic. However, in our 3D sociaty, to make things in photo-realistic is being approve tobe the person will have good skills already. You got what i mean? You can basically able to make anything if you able to do photo-real. To promote yourself, you "have" to do it inorder to convince people to buy it.

Dick Ma 寫:所以如果我有機會去入一間studio既話...我極其量只可以玩下 storyboard 同埋 modeling的process.

Ah... people will say, sorry... you got the wrong idea. You don't choose what you do. You do what's given to do.

Dick Ma 寫:大既animation studio未必適合我.因為我唔知點解, 我唔會expect人地會教我些什麼.我會在studio學到D咩野比自己.極其量只系一D technical 既野...對我腦部發展沒幫助

Stop that thinking. You don't learn only by teaching. You learn from experence. Like during the process, you can see all different kind of works. Because this is a group project mostly, you will learn only from looking at others.

Dick Ma 寫:我唔系一個太聽話既人. 我會同我個head會有arguement.依樣野其實對上司來說是好驟忌....

Because you are a true Artist.

Dick Ma 寫:本來別人為我接洽工作, 內容如下: 為十五個手袋做modelling ...然後為每一個袋做十五秒的動畫..要十五個ideas. 時間只得兩個禮拜....而client比我既錢只得$10000. 結果我拒絕左了.

I'll talk about this in the next reply
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver

文章HapZungLam » 21日 2月 2003年, 22:34

Dick Ma 寫:我會覺得15個avi 每個15秒. 除開每個avi 少於$1000(我無諗過market price 幾多..或者幾多先至會合理)客要求十五個唔同既ideas.重要隨時有被客ban及隨時修改的危險.

I can see you are very new tobe a freelancer. I had the same problem as you do. And i talked to my dad and friends about this kind of problem. And i can come with some ideas.

First of all, you have to tell your client what's your hard part of doing things. And how do you come up with a plan of solveing it.

for example in your case. Well, i dont' think $10000 is a really problem. 15 ideas isn't problem, but 2 weeks with 15 different bags, here is the problem. Because i am doing it in solo. i have only 1 computer. Even if i use it to render, i think i'll take a long time to render. That means, i need maybe another computer to do so. Or hire people to help me out on this, only because he needs it in 2 weeks. I am not a newbie of 3D. I am looking for high quality of work. And probably he doesn't want to ruin his work either right. If so, i won't charge it in project. because as you say,if he needs to change this and change that, you'll be in a big problem. I'll charge it by weeks and extra days. Say I'll quote a sertain days of finish it. But if he wnats to change anything, i'll charge it as extra days.

Maybe he'll say no, he doesn't have the time, or doesn't have the money. Okay, then it is what you are looking for. Tell him that 10000 in 2 weeks is fine, but of cuz than i have to reduce the quality of it. and no changes, well, if he needs to change, extra charge again per day. Therefore at the end, even tho you did crap to him, he can't say a thing to it. beacuse it is because of the time is not allow you to do it. Send a quotation to him before you start any of your work. Better if you get some money like deposite or somethign to start with. So that he can't get rid of you once you start doign his job.

Everything that you've said must be putting down on paper and send him a copy. That way you can protect not only you, and your client also.

1 more thing. Don't reject anything, hummmm i mean don't give out your answer right away to your clien even tho you have it in your mind already. It is not because you want to delay his thing, but to give yourself a little more time to think. Because most people will do wrong decision while they are on the track. Once they cool down, they'll regrat. 2ndly give yourself a leading piority. Which means he has to wait for your reply, you are the one who is taking control.

Man, you still got a lot to learn. refer to your emotions. This is something that you can learn not only by teaching, but by experience.
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver


文章TOMMYZAC » 9日 5月 2003年, 20:18

第一 :你決定做動畫,沒人強迫你,如果不是放棄好了
第二 :如果你是在香港的話(其他地方也一樣)真有才干的人和客都是少的
第三 :你的面高光太強沒了對比,沒了背景(可能是特出主角)可是單調,

天外是有天的因我知時真很不好受 :wink: :wink:
文章: 49
註冊時間: 29日 1月 2003年, 20:27

文章ChildPark » 20日 9月 2003年, 09:35

Disk Ma你好!我不常在這裡發貼的,但今天無意地看見你發的貼子發現些問題很明顯,我推算你在社會工作的日子不多,因為在社會工作的日子久了會很明白一種道理,我們是生活在集群體的人類社會內應注意言行,而且在任何行業都很討厭談論是非的人,而且這行的圈子還這麼小,你談的話我有些不認同,這我便是你的對頭人嗎?這不是和你的理念產生矛盾嗎?你說明言論是自由的對嗎?其實很多事情矛盾都是大家不同立場和觀點的表達產生的。


文章: 316
註冊時間: 2日 6月 2002年, 12:03
來自: Hong Kong


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