由 HapZungLam » 5日 6月 2010年, 02:12
I forgot how XSI7 behave but it should be very simmular to the lastest 2010.
Im assuming that you want to click one click and render all passes/channel/buffer whatever you want to call it (different application has a different name)
First off, Softimage doesn't render 1 image contains multiple channels. Not as I know. Some of the format doesn't able to contains layers. Maybe you need to do some scripting for that, I donno.
In the file name, [pass] is the naming of the pass; [framebuffer] is the naming of the channel.
eg. your pass is call ABC, and you are going to render a specular channel. If you type in [pass][framebuffer], your filename will be ABCSpecular.1.exr
You may click on "Show Resolved Paths" and you'll understand the naming convansion.
If your scene has only 1 pass. Then don't even bother putting in [pass] in your file name.