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Digital Watercolor

文章發表於 : 24日 12月 2006年, 21:45
First time posting here. Merry X'mas! :mrgreen:
Made with MoXi digital watercolor technology http://visgraph.cs.ust.hk/MoXi/ . Still developing.

Bigger here:


文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 00:05
Andrew Lee
that's cool, is MoXi a software? :wink:

文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 00:52
hi 好耐冇見, 唔錯wow
我想要個 beta version 黎玩下, 因為下年我有好多時間試野, 唔知得唔得呢 :mrgreen:

made in hk 既 software 你都唔識...... 真系要打喇 :lol:

文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 01:22
早前年都系CG Visual睇過有關MoXi介紹,都覺很利害,有機會都相試下。

Andrew同h2o兩位靚仔聖誕夜無出去浦? :wink:

文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 12:24
Andrew Lee
d朋友大部份吾系拍緊拖就系結埋婚, 我呢d單身佬去到呢d溫馨節日就好難妁人嫁啦, 所以都系屋企過 :mrgreen:

文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 13:36
好忙好忙 :mrgreen:

文章發表於 : 25日 12月 2006年, 14:13
Andrew Lee 寫:d朋友大部份吾系拍緊拖就系結埋婚, 我呢d單身佬去到呢d溫馨節日就好難妁人嫁啦, 所以都系屋企過 :mrgreen:


文章發表於 : 26日 12月 2006年, 01:22
h2o: Sure. Please give me your email address and I will contact you. Meanwhile, you can also read our FAQ page http://visgraph.cs.ust.hk/MoXi/FAQ.html.

Andrew: actually cgvisual interviewed me on MoXi before. It was posted right before one of yours. :)

wkin99: Thanks for your kind words. I surely want people to be able to use it eventually. But MoXi uses GPU to do fluid simulation, and most users are not yet ready. I hope in a few years, a capable graphics card would become mainstream.

And, some updates for those who care. Adobe has licensed our technology and I also went there for a few months to help with the technology transfer. Now I'm back to HK to 'finish' my PhD. I'm now working on digital watercolor.


文章發表於 : 26日 12月 2006年, 02:38

very interesting product. I wish I had your product for few of my project in the last 18 months.

My question is. Will the test software work with the Mac anytime soon? Or, what about if I run Photoshop CS2 for Windows under Intel Mac's boot camp? I really would like to give it a try.

文章發表於 : 26日 12月 2006年, 19:18
Thanks, cottonsan.
Sorry to say it's not likely it works for Mac soon. I have a user reported that it would crash running MoXi under bootcamp on an Intel Mac. I think it's probably due to the video card driver. But that's several months ago. Maybe things are improving.

Let me have your email and I'll let you try.