呢幅畫系我上星期劃既Digital Matte painting、
版主: purehay, Andrew Lee
h2o 寫:Matte Painting 系畫背景多, 以下系 wiki 既解釋
Matte paintings are used to create "virtual sets" and "digital backlots". They can be used to create entire new sets, or to extend portions of an existing set. Traditional matte painting is done optically, by painting on top of a piece of glass to be composited with the original footage. Nowadays, matte painting is done in computers with the use of a tablet as a drawing device. In a digital environment, matte paintings can also be done in a 3-D environment, allowing for 3-D camera movements.
BTW, 成幅圖好 soft, 黑眼圈好似勁得滯
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