想請問下Biped animation

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想請問下Biped animation

文章Copyplus » 5日 10月 2008年, 14:41

想請問下Biped animation

1. 我create 一只 Biped character我就咁系Auto Key model 下用鎖匙set key, 好以以雙手為例我KEY左0 格同15格, 去到Curve Editor見到的KEY, 但見唔到tangent 因為我想turn Tangent佢除左right Click佢打數字之外唔可以手動set Tangent...

2.Biped個root個 tranlation 系咪一定要用"Track Selection" 黎做?

3.Keyinfo道個set Key同平時setkey又唔同, 點解系Timesilder見唔到? 系Curve Editor都見唔到.......

......if you think you can you can......
文章: 40
註冊時間: 8日 10月 2007年, 15:08
來自: Hong Kong

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biped animation

文章riccardo1978 » 6日 10月 2008年, 09:20

Keyframes on biped bones bones cannot be manipulated with the curve editor, if you really want to see the motion curves you would need to use "workbench". But still you cannot manipulate the tangents of the motion curve as easliy as with other bone systems.

Root translation does not have to be done with track selection, but it is the most reliable way to do so.

if u cannot see your keyframes, maybe you had the filter on? (right click on the time slider and then you can see "filters")

Animation workflow with the character studio biped bones can be very different from using normal bones, but it does have a lot of advantages of it's own. It just may take some time to get used to it. But once you do, creating all different sorts of animations can be easy and simple.
文章: 33
註冊時間: 25日 11月 2005年, 12:52

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