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zbrush for hair creation

文章發表於 : 4日 4月 2011年, 12:58

Which brush in zbrush should I use for creating ' Ryu ( aka streetfighter 4 ) 's hair style


Re: zbrush for hair creation

文章發表於 : 17日 9月 2012年, 17:06
Street Fighter? Japanese is our enemy!

Re: zbrush for hair creation

文章發表於 : 19日 9月 2012年, 10:07
please dont shift your anger through in cgvisual as it is a website that people share their work to the others .Besides Art should not have set limited to any individual country . At last please leave this website if you can not tolerate other who are interested in Japanese art .

Re: zbrush for hair creation

文章發表於 : 21日 9月 2012年, 10:23
jason ip
Couldn't agree more Ayakiryu.
Just please leave the GC Forum alone comicwoo.
We dislike Japanese politcian. Not their ppl or culture.