HKDA is committed to pursuing a profession-wide ban against free pitch, because we strongly believe that free pitch is a game without winners:
Designers Lose:
by giving up creative property without a fair level of compensation
Clients Lose:
by failing to get the full benefit of the designer's talent and professional input
The Profession Loses:
by being misrepresented, indeed compromised, by speculative work
For more information, pls go here: ... index.html
from 招職:
香港人一向自詡創意澎湃,但反觀本地創意工業在全世界的地位,卻一直顯得不上不下。說它領導風潮,似乎仍須努力;說它不堪入目,卻又不至於此。是什麼因素拖著創意人的大腿?關鍵可能是大眾對創意有多尊重。一群設計師近日發起一項運動,矢志改變業界積存經年的陋規──“無償競稿”,以期改善設計師的待遇,同時提高業界整體水平。 ... ion=CAREER
我地 3D 界都有d 公司會免費幫人做 test, 希望大家以設計界依家既困局為鑒, 最後損失都系自己