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Re: 香港需唔需要一個好似VES咁樣嘅機構?

文章hibiki » 3日 6月 2011年, 16:32

See Erick Miller's post. The industry is dying fast. As v r at the edge of China, v r dying much faster compared to other countries because of the high availability of low-cost labors. As young people in China are very eager to get into the business, v can see the competition will get more and more severe until v reach the state of full commoditization. So your salary will be kept minimum until all the jobs go to China, being commoditized, or until you quit, die.
文章: 5
註冊時間: 15日 3月 2011年, 17:33

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Re: 香港需唔需要一個好似VES咁樣嘅機構?

文章Ray Leung » 3日 6月 2011年, 19:27

@kinnng: yah that's what i was saying.
Budget controls quality. If you look at the production cost of a local production with "decent" visual effects, it's nothing compare to any of the international blockbusters. Production houses tend to lower their bid just to get the show on board. Then, how can you pull that off? You've promised the client to deliver on time on budget. So, you cut a bit of this, cut a bit of that, pay your employee less, and ask them for more. OK, what happen next? You rush the production, your crew is under huge amount of stress, everyone on board just wanna get the show done. And then, you lower your standard just to get rid of the client as soon as you can. At the end of the day, job's done, nobody's happy with the finals, but they're all happy to go home and get some sleep. Production houses made some money and you get fucked for a ridiculously small amount of money. Things get so rigid and you start to hate your job, plenty of workload and zero creativity. So, tell me...what's wrong with this industry?
Ray Leung
文章: 146
註冊時間: 12日 11月 2006年, 13:14
來自: Sydney

Re: 香港需唔需要一個好似VES咁樣嘅機構?

文章Ray Leung » 3日 6月 2011年, 19:34

sobig 寫:
h2o 寫:想攪.... 但可惜肯企出黎既.... 連幾十人都冇

有D 人轉左行; 有D 有安穩既生活/ 公司壓力唔方便企出黎

不過我聽到有人問加入"工會", 講明唔想比會費, 又問多唔多 discount.... 例如 Wacom, computers 等等 :roll:


Ray Leung
文章: 146
註冊時間: 12日 11月 2006年, 13:14
來自: Sydney

Re: 香港需唔需要一個好似VES咁樣嘅機構?

文章cktm20xx » 3日 6月 2011年, 20:56

h2o 寫:想攪.... 但可惜肯企出黎既.... 連幾十人都冇

有D 人轉左行; 有D 有安穩既生活/ 公司壓力唔方便企出黎

不過我聽到有人問加入"工會", 講明唔想比會費, 又問多唔多 discount.... 例如 Wacom, computers 等等 :roll:

唔係呀話, 開個工會幫業界員工保障他們的權益重想o係工會度拿jetso...冇野下話...
文章: 93
註冊時間: 22日 7月 2009年, 11:10
來自: Hong Kong


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