about texturing

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about texturing

文章ayakiryu » 14日 3月 2011年, 18:53

Hi there

I 'm now creating a character for my portfolio . Somehow I 'm struggle in texturing cause when I render in Maya hardware , it turns out the final render is not I expected . Any ideas ?

Also should I use 'phong ' materials to display my character .

http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/co ... 10722.html

This is the render I expected . I understand that in certain way I can not create such render as this artist did in his portfolio but I wish to inspire more from other people in order to improve.
My w.i.p work
文章: 138
註冊時間: 17日 1月 2010年, 12:48

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Re: about texturing

文章mrdawdaw » 14日 3月 2011年, 21:55

你係香港本土學生? 問問姐...係都算唔錯...起碼anatomy自然...
咁既,如果用mental ray 剩係令個model真,不過comicon challenge個d人多數唔用mental ray(就算係都用vray), 好多人只係用一個Xoliul's viewport shader(姐係viewport入面見到已經係要做到你個post咁)已經做到你reference個post咁,所以第一樣野你要放棄住mental ray學識真正既texturing method先, texturing method 極大多數都係photoshop入面做,第一你3ds max uvw map姐係maya uv map要處理得好,點樣起碼夠大放上texture 唔會起格(你開始用2048*2048),第二就宜係texturing,正常既兩個方法,一係hand paint 油畫(WOW個d),二係用真texture compositing(通常AAA game個d),如果你想揾game artist之類記得控制埋polygon count,good luck~

有咩唔明,可以問我,我可以pm msn比你~
文章: 1
註冊時間: 14日 3月 2011年, 21:35
外號: indie game developer

Re: about texturing

文章ayakiryu » 14日 3月 2011年, 23:26

okay this is my msn : Kyo872@hotmail.com
文章: 138
註冊時間: 17日 1月 2010年, 12:48

Re: about texturing

文章h2o » 15日 3月 2011年, 18:04

其實用咩 renderer 都冇咩所謂, 你基本功好, 係勁的話, 公司 train 你一個月都攪掂啦

不過問你一樣野先, 你整幅圖係想去 game 定係 film/animation industry interview? 兩個 industries 既要求唔同 bor :D
My Lab
CG guy + Researcher + Educator
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註冊時間: 7日 4月 2002年, 08:00
來自: Dark Side
外號: 水水

Re: about texturing

文章hibiki » 15日 3月 2011年, 18:31

Leo, I've seen your blog and demoreel. I've found your purpose is to make realistic characters. It's wise that you start with this armored character. The image you posted doesn't look bad at all for a beginner.

You should not rely on hardware render to judge unless you're making a game character. But I don't think you're. I think you're trying to make a hi-res character still. In this case, you should try to learn a bit compositing rather than texturing that you're asking. You can use Photoshop to do it. There's no need to do any detail texturing until you're satisfied with your preliminary comp. Try to dig out some tutorials using google for this.

Post your questions on this thread if you need further assistance. I won't send you email because if communication is via email, people can't learn from your questions and defeat the whole purpose of a public forum. You may also try to post your questions to other foreign forums like cgsociety.org where you can receive better and more responses.
文章: 5
註冊時間: 15日 3月 2011年, 17:33

Re: about texturing

文章ayakiryu » 16日 3月 2011年, 11:27

TO : H20

ACctually I want to try both aspects . as for the ARmor character I will edit it again and use the compisition method like hibki suggested .

For me I 'm kind of confuse what should I do for my portfolio cause some people suggested me to present my model without texture .

文章: 138
註冊時間: 17日 1月 2010年, 12:48

Re: about texturing

文章hibiki » 16日 3月 2011年, 13:25

It's up to what your portfolio is intended. If you just want to show modeling skill, a simple render should be enough. If you want to make an image like the one you're referring to, you need to do a lot more work. Probably several times more in terms of number of man-days. Employers may not appreciate your effort. It also depends on what employers you want to approach and where they're. You'd better decide your true intention before spending any effort.
文章: 5
註冊時間: 15日 3月 2011年, 17:33

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