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第二份練習 - levistone

文章發表於 : 24日 6月 2002年, 18:05
之前系cgtalk post過,不過我都系想問問大家意見


文章發表於 : 25日 6月 2002年, 02:39
A white background will give u no detail when it refracted by the stone. Try to put a picture or some models at the back.
Same as ur reflection map, I see a 5 face box around it. If u have a pic or some models, it'll give u the details of the reflection & make it more realistic.

文章發表於 : 25日 6月 2002年, 16:24

I like it

文章發表於 : 26日 6月 2002年, 00:41
I like it b'cas the way your put the bkg to white and reflection boxes were more or less the same as the photo shooting for products, quite artistic, so it's gonna be different from realistic look!
I love the classic but untouchable feel!