[教學]3D Buzz, video, tests, assignments, projects


版主: kelvincai

[教學]3D Buzz, video, tests, assignments, projects

文章Joshua » 11日 2月 2003年, 19:03

This is a awesome web site for 3D Learner,
joining them as a membership,
you could download the tutorial video they have offered,
they are cools!!
And there have a special course for people who want to learn Houdini, the course is absolutely for free, just download the lesson video, watch it, listen it, learn it, and take a test online, after you finished all the lessons, you would go further to taking assignments and projects.
That's very good learning resourse for Houdini users or who's interested about 3D graphic !!

Work harder, play harder!!
文章: 126
註冊時間: 2日 6月 2002年, 18:48
來自: Hong Kong/Sydney

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