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版主: HapZungLam


文章Ysw » 26日 3月 2004年, 23:11

Softimage XSI 3.51 和 Softimage 3D 4.0 有什麼分別

Thank you very much
文章: 11
註冊時間: 7日 1月 2004年, 03:24
來自: Hong Kong

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文章HapZungLam » 27日 3月 2004年, 05:14

XSI is a new generation beyond 3D. They quoted "Non-Linear" as promotion.

I prefer to use XSI because it is more user friendly and less bugs.
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver

文章yoshi » 15日 6月 2004年, 02:10

Less bugs??

When you want to compare the different of 3D software, first you need to have an open mind! Don't always say the one you use the most is the best!
Also, when you use it in production, you will know how user friendly it is and how many bugs it has!
I am not saying XSI is bad! Personally, I like XSI more than Maya. I've been working in Production for 5 yrs. I worked in HK and Canada's studios. I am using Maya, Softimage3D and XSI at the same time.
XSI is pretty user friendly once you get use to it. Maya is more easy to understand at first.
XSI has too much Bugs!!! Slow!!! Hope it will be better in the future.
Yo baby Yo!!
文章: 16
註冊時間: 17日 3月 2003年, 10:53

文章HapZungLam » 15日 6月 2004年, 03:39

I disagree. I have maya, xsi, soft3D and max experences. In comparison, XSI nearly never crash since version 2.0. And even if it crash, it always sucessfully autosafed it for you. Unlike Max, Max just close you down with no signs. Maya does crash if you have too much craps on the scenes. However maya does give you a sign before crashing tho. I don't know about LW so i won't give any comments on that.

I didn't say XSI is the best did I? But i said i prefer to use XSI. I strongly agree with you that the learning curve of XSI is a lot higher than Maya. But once you know the concepts of it. XSI give you a wide range from modeling to animating, even compositing.

Refuring to his topic asking the differences between XSI and 3D. I prefer XSI. Soft 3D interface is base on unix base. Which has too many scripting conflicts on its own. For example, the mirror command didn't work since version 3.0, weighting charts window reflesh and force you to go back to the top of the page whenever you change a value. Mental ray 2.1 for soft 3D is totally super buggy. Mantal ray won't render anything if your scene has something doesn't make sence to it, eg, polygon crashing, too many deformations, etc.

The interface for any mental ray settings at soft 3D is kind of confusing. The vocabs which they were using were weird which never able to represent what the use of it.

In comparison. XSI is way more understandable.
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver

文章yoshi » 16日 6月 2004年, 07:03

Working on a personal project at home is totally different to work2777
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文章: 16
註冊時間: 17日 3月 2003年, 10:53

文章yoshi » 16日 6月 2004年, 07:04

Working on a personal project at home is totally different to working in production.

In production, after the basic model was done there will be couple people working on that model at the same time. Some people working on texture, some people working on rigging, some people working on animatic, simple animation, facial setup, hair, synoptic ...... after everything is aproved, they need to combine them all into one scene! Which is dealing with lots of UVs, textures, preset, shapes, and weightings copying and tranfer. After all those stuff, the client may want to change the character's design a little bit, then people will need to fix their own part and combine them again.... so the model will go back and forth lots of time... within those process, you will find lots of bugs!
When it goes to Animation and Rendering, you may find more bugs .......

When you're doing copy UVs, textures and weights stuff, sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't! Even mirror weight won't work 100%. How can you say that it always sucessfully recover the scene for you after it crash??
After it recover the scene, do I need to go in and check every single constrain and expression of the character?? Also check every single point of the geo to see the weighting is perfectly weighted to the bones ?? I would rather redo the things that I lost from the crash!
Are you only working on one single geo while it crash, and it recover that single geo for you??

It's not stable and it's slow!!! Everyone in the production says that!! I really don't know why you said it's not buggy!!
Yo baby Yo!!
文章: 16
註冊時間: 17日 3月 2003年, 10:53

文章HapZungLam » 16日 6月 2004年, 09:43

maybe you need to understand alittle more about XSI yoshi.

I know the process of doing group work in production. I've been to many projects. I do not able to comment any other software on production because i never use any other software on production other than XSI and Max. However, I found XSI is well orginize on things like you were talking about.

In XSI you can save your work as a model. When you work on a big scene, you import the models as reference. Whoever is working on the model file can be update whenever they want. The import scene will update autometically. Same as animation, you may keep your animation in the model, or you may export it in the mixer, and inport it back as an animation clip in the mixer.

All of these will not commit bugs or conflicts. Unless you never freeze your operaion stacks, or your XSI is an illegal copy. Maybe you did some weird stuff like constain things in a weird way that doesn't make any sense in the concept of 3D. But other than that, it never crash on me.

Mirror weights works on me 100%. However I understand the situation that you've said. Since your model isn't located at the center and some how your model has shifted a little that you don't even notice.

After it recovered from autosave, you don't need to check every single constrain and expressions. They'll stay at the way before you crash. Notice that if XSI is going to crash and pop up the windows and saying that it is going to crash and ask you for an autosave. You can save it manuelly. After you've saved manuelly, XSI won't autosave it for you. To go back and check every single weight is your personally will. In my case, it never ruins my work on auto safe. Unless I'd ruin it already before xsi autosaved.

I really don't think XSi is buggy. Maybe your experience told you it is. But if you manage it well, it won't be any problem.

One of my teamate always crash XSI. I've looked at his scene. His scene is horrible. He has double edges, broken polygons, crashing polygons, illogical constrains, etc. I spend hours to correct all the errors that he had committed. After my corrections, he never crash again. But after awhile i have to correct for him again since this is his habbit of making things unorginize. I don't mean you or your teamate is doing this but it is a very big possibility.
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver

文章yoshi » 19日 6月 2004年, 00:55

I am sorry, HapZungLam.

I think all 200 XSI in our studio are illegal copy. I will tell my CEO to buy the legal one!
I will tell the modeling department to model the character at the center!
And I will tell all the artist not to save the scene, just let XSI crash itself and do the autosave for us! And thats the normal way to save a scene in XSI, rather than it's buggy!
I should understand alittle more about XSI!

Thanks for your advise :)
Also you can kill my post if you want to!

Thanks alot!!
Yo baby Yo!!
文章: 16
註冊時間: 17日 3月 2003年, 10:53

文章Zism » 26日 10月 2004年, 22:26

i kinda agree on what yoshi say but i gonna mention this here again. XSI Rock. Seen i have spend three year on it and make it as a habbit of tool for me to doing CG work, i don't really think of choosing others software beside if my production or project want me to do so. I had finish my 3 year XSI training in my country and when i step to the industry, i strongly agree that there is still many better software... while the time i say better software, it mean those expert who are using the 3d software well...

My production is using the legal copy. =)

Yes, sometime u can ask ur CEO to have a buiness reel of XSI. I am sure he will be interested. lol
One "Wu" can't rulez them all ...Onli two "Wu" .....Zzzz
文章: 12
註冊時間: 26日 10月 2004年, 14:15
來自: Malaysia

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