由 yoshi » 16日 6月 2004年, 07:04
Working on a personal project at home is totally different to working in production.
In production, after the basic model was done there will be couple people working on that model at the same time. Some people working on texture, some people working on rigging, some people working on animatic, simple animation, facial setup, hair, synoptic ...... after everything is aproved, they need to combine them all into one scene! Which is dealing with lots of UVs, textures, preset, shapes, and weightings copying and tranfer. After all those stuff, the client may want to change the character's design a little bit, then people will need to fix their own part and combine them again.... so the model will go back and forth lots of time... within those process, you will find lots of bugs!
When it goes to Animation and Rendering, you may find more bugs .......
When you're doing copy UVs, textures and weights stuff, sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't! Even mirror weight won't work 100%. How can you say that it always sucessfully recover the scene for you after it crash??
After it recover the scene, do I need to go in and check every single constrain and expression of the character?? Also check every single point of the geo to see the weighting is perfectly weighted to the bones ?? I would rather redo the things that I lost from the crash!
Are you only working on one single geo while it crash, and it recover that single geo for you??
It's not stable and it's slow!!! Everyone in the production says that!! I really don't know why you said it's not buggy!!
Yo baby Yo!!