[建議]同心合力發展Online Game

有關 GAME 開發 的CG應用

文章HapZungLam » 8日 9月 2004年, 10:38

I don't want to put you down. It is a very good start to have the dream.

I was having the same dream many years ago. Get a group of friends and trying to start a game. But we didn't made til the end. Actually we were only at the starting stage "all the time".

It is some kind of human personality. I mean.... in general, human do not have the motivation to do something if it is both either getting paid or has to paid to do somthing.

Let me give you an example. There are lots of gym class cost thousands of dollars for you to join the club and do gym. Still many ppl go right? But there are also some free gym in some high class condo. I never seen anyone working out inside. Because it is free. I took a soccer class when many years ago. We have to pay for taking the lesson. But when the winter hits, our coach kindly saying that he 'll continue teaching us even if the winter hits. And no charge for the lesson. Start from that, less and less ppl go.

I don't understand the chamical of that, but i am one of the course quitting individual. There has no more modivation for me to do anything if I can take it for granted.

In the other hand. I barely doing my own stuff at home after work. Well, i have to work when i am at work for sure. Because i am gettin paid. But i think it should be more important for my own portfolio. I should spend more time on it. however, never works. Everyday after work, I just get online and chat, play games, etc.

How to get ppl motivation and group up together? I don't know yet. But I really want to point this out to you... not to put you down... but give you an idea in advance. Maybe you'll get yourself prepare for this kind of experience.
文章: 1143
註冊時間: 30日 8月 2001年, 08:00
來自: Vancouver

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文章shady_lady » 8日 9月 2004年, 15:51


文章: 500
註冊時間: 14日 9月 2002年, 20:17

文章supercat7xx » 8日 9月 2004年, 21:58

:) qbb寫:I think you hard to found programmer

你都要 "hard to found programmer"
文章: 282
註冊時間: 12日 11月 2002年, 12:30

文章supercat7xx » 8日 9月 2004年, 22:00

:-? qbb 寫: And you are so on9 !!!!

吾曰:你老母生你都好 "on 9"
文章: 282
註冊時間: 12日 11月 2002年, 12:30

文章supercat7xx » 8日 9月 2004年, 22:21

支持你的做法, 好像是組 BAND那樣, 然反在公開賽勝出. 不過要在香港這處去做.....會很難, 火狗那間公司都要捱好久才有日本人看中, 努力吧.
文章: 282
註冊時間: 12日 11月 2002年, 12:30

文章Qbb » 8日 9月 2004年, 23:36

To supercat7xx:

你老母 AssHole ho ho [diu] !!!!

生你 supercat7

[diu] [li] [lo] [mo] supercat7xx
文章: 116
註冊時間: 24日 11月 2002年, 02:30
來自: Hell

文章gp05r » 8日 9月 2004年, 23:47

文章: 62
註冊時間: 14日 5月 2003年, 18:31

文章Qbb » 9日 9月 2004年, 00:29

To gp05r:

A Game is a Game (CS, rainbow six, AOE, warcarft ........)

A Game is not a moive !!! (like FF series....)

But In HK , too more guys to design a game like a FF series, of course include the game play !!!!

And too more guys only design the graphics, and 3D model.... ,
No foucs on gameplay and programming.

the first time at least to finish a complete 3D engine or game engine , and network programming. Only need one animatior to support.

Second told the game designer and animatior, what the engine can do, and hardware limit !!!!

Third , your 3D engine, and network ready , you can call more animator and designer to production( build level , model, texture ....)

because the animatior always want to take a large resource(they think this doing a MOIVE !!!!)

So a game designer better need a programming background !!!

And why I say on9, because the team leader need a good technical
background (computer network, resource managment, 3D or 2D maths ....... and more !!!! )

if you are a designer and animator, it's hard to do a good online game. you hand to managment the programmer and art designer !!!

HK is too more this guys !!!

When you COMPLETE finish the game, you can find the publisher !!!
文章: 116
註冊時間: 24日 11月 2002年, 02:30
來自: Hell

文章Qbb » 9日 9月 2004年, 00:30

To gp05r:

A Game is a Game (CS, rainbow six, AOE, warcarft ........)

A Game is not a moive !!! (like FF series....)

But In HK , too more guys to design a game like a FF series, of course include the game play !!!!

And too more guys only design the graphics, and 3D model.... ,
No foucs on gameplay and programming.

the first time at least to finish a complete 3D engine or game engine , and network programming. Only need one animatior to support.

Second told the game designer and animatior, what the engine can do, and hardware limit !!!!

Third , your 3D engine, and network ready , you can call more animator and designer to production( build level , model, texture ....)

because the animatior always want to take a large resource(they think this doing a MOIVE !!!!)

So a game designer better need a programming background !!!

And why I say on9, because the team leader need a good technical
background (computer network, resource managment, 3D or 2D maths ....... and more !!!! )

if you are a designer and animator, it's hard to do a good online game. you hand to managment the programmer and art designer !!!

HK is too more this guys !!!

When you COMPLETE finish the game, you can find the publisher !!!
文章: 116
註冊時間: 24日 11月 2002年, 02:30
來自: Hell

文章andywisdom » 9日 9月 2004年, 00:41

文章: 13
註冊時間: 27日 8月 2004年, 14:06

文章Qbb » 9日 9月 2004年, 00:49

I goto sleep la , bye bye
文章: 116
註冊時間: 24日 11月 2002年, 02:30
來自: Hell

文章noomo » 9日 9月 2004年, 10:04

有小小建議,programmer 的確難找,要精通 state of art 的game programming 更難找。但一個好玩的游戲, game play 元素是最重要的。市面上有些畫面非常靚的游戲,但玩兩野就唔想玩落去。當然靚和細致的畫面有先聲奪人的效果,但一個游戲的長期生存還是靠好唔好玩。

如果game programming是您的 project 的一個難題,建議可用 blitz3d http://www.blitzbasic.com這個易學易用的 launguage 去起個 prototype 先。至少可讓人如投資者知道初步效果如何。這個 blitzbasic 很多人都用佢來起 prototype。

另外有幾個易用的 game tools 可介紹:
www.truesvision3d.com 這個是一個 sdk 和 vb6,dephi,c++配合,當中尤以 vb6 最合拍。

www.3dgamestudio.com 這個 engine 有佢獨立的 modeler 和 level designer 使用 builtin 的 c-script (類似 c 的 script language )作為程式語言。

torque engine www.garagegame.com 如果有 c++高手,這個engine 是很好的選擇,這個是以上所介紹過的 engine 中唯一一個有人用佢制作游戲推出市場的。佢有自定的 script language。

祝您成功 :P
文章: 182
註冊時間: 24日 5月 2002年, 15:00

文章andywisdom » 9日 9月 2004年, 12:16

noomo 寫:andywisdom:
有小小建議,programmer 的確難找,要精通 state of art 的game programming 更難找。但一個好玩的游戲, game play 元素是最重要的。市面上有些畫面非常靚的游戲,但玩兩野就唔想玩落去。當然靚和細致的畫面有先聲奪人的效果,但一個游戲的長期生存還是靠好唔好玩。

如果game programming是您的 project 的一個難題,建議可用 blitz3d http://www.blitzbasic.com這個易學易用的 launguage 去起個 prototype 先。至少可讓人如投資者知道初步效果如何。這個 blitzbasic 很多人都用佢來起 prototype。

另外有幾個易用的 game tools 可介紹:
www.truesvision3d.com 這個是一個 sdk 和 vb6,dephi,c++配合,當中尤以 vb6 最合拍。

www.3dgamestudio.com 這個 engine 有佢獨立的 modeler 和 level designer 使用 builtin 的 c-script (類似 c 的 script language )作為程式語言。

torque engine www.garagegame.com 如果有 c++高手,這個engine 是很好的選擇,這個是以上所介紹過的 engine 中唯一一個有人用佢制作游戲推出市場的。佢有自定的 script language。

祝您成功 :P

真的要多謝你的寶貴意見,我會用這個方向著手架啦!thnak you very much
文章: 13
註冊時間: 27日 8月 2004年, 14:06

文章fu qbb » 9日 9月 2004年, 19:22

ON9 :D :D :D :D :D
fu qbb
文章: 2
註冊時間: 9日 9月 2004年, 19:17

文章fu qbb » 10日 9月 2004年, 18:49

:lol: qbb , you are butt-head.
fu qbb
文章: 2
註冊時間: 9日 9月 2004年, 19:17


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