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【明報專訊】迪士尼日前宣布將關閉《阿甘正傳》金像導演羅拔湛米基斯(Robert Zemeckis)的數碼動畫制作工作室ImageMovers Digital(IMD),並辭退450名員工,該公司最後的作品為一年後上映的動畫Mars Needs Moms。
迪士尼新上任的主席Rich Ross說:“公司希望集中資源,制作一些跨平台,包括玩具及電子游戲的電影作品,而IMD已不能配合公司發展。”不過他們仍希望與羅拔及IMD維持長久及嶄新的合作計劃,包括重新制作1968年披頭四(The Beatles)的動畫Yellow Submarine。IMD曾制作多部迪士尼的動畫電影,包括《北極快車》及去年底上映的《魔幻聖誕頌》等。 ... eferer=rss
Disney is to shut the motion-capture studio run by Robert Zemeckis, to further cut costs.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Not the happiest news to begin the weekend with, but the San Francisco Examiner has reported this evening that The Walt Disney Co. had released a statement on Friday to the effect that to rein in costs, they would be moving to close the ImageMovers Digital facilities by January 2011, with the overall loss of 450 jobs.
The Robert Zemeckis directed 'A Christmas Carol' was created at this studio. Before closing, Zemeckis will be in production on a 3D movie, set for March 2011, titled 'Mars needs Moms'.
"Given today's economic realities, we need to find alternative ways to bring creative content to audiences and IMD no longer fits into our business model," Walt Disney Studios president Alan Bergman said.
Disney had most recently stopped production on 20,000 Leagues under the Sea', 'Wedding Banned' and 'Wild Hogs 2.'
Let's hope in the year ahead, new opportunities open up for those who are working at IMD from some other quarters in the industry.